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Keeping Millions of Moviegoers Safe From Bad Marketing!
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  Movie Previews


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Martin Scorsese
John Travolta
George Lucas
Sir Anthony Hopkins
Francis Ford Coppola
Denzel Washington
Steven Spielberg
Martin Brest
Tom Hanks
Ron Howard
Tom Cruise
Jerry Bruckheimer
and Woody Allen

and many more... to our knowledge have not endorsed us in any way or even heard of us

However, we do have....Peter Jackson!!

Yes, its true!

Peter Jackson, age 21, of Duluth Georgia became a member in July of 2004!

Oscar watcher Peter works at Auto Lube Oil of Duluth and is a huge movie fan!  Peter watches movies "whenever he gets a chance" and has been asked by friends on dozens of occasions what his favorite movies are.  At age 16, Mr. Jackson's talents became apparent when he wrote a review of the school play for the Duluth High School newspaper as part of an English assignment: in it he clearly stated that "movies are better than plays".  How's that for credentials!  We could go on and on but the name Peter Jackson speaks for itself.



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Better Movie Trailers Save Movies
How many movie experiences are ruined by previews that give away the endings?

It's time that this be stopped!  The fans have taken a stand!

For every fan who knew a punchline ahead of time, knew the hero lives through a perilous scene, or worst of all, knew a major plot twist because of a bad trailer, is for you!

Certified Good Previews
The quotes and major scenes shown should be from the first 20 minutes of a film.  Good Previews focus on actors, writers, producers, directors and other major talent involved and / or the overall story hook. The do not ruin the ending!  Script genius Robert McKee says scripts should hook audiences in the first 20 minutes - shouldn't previews be able to do the same?

the internet is                            Over 90 million members strong!

It is estimated that our members boycotts of films companies who do not follow our fair movie policy could cost them up to $10 billion in annual revenue!

With our endowment we may acquire a major studio in a leveraged buyout or hostile takeover and immediately implement Good Preview quality standards.  All we need is a few billion dollars and some persistence.  With your donation of only $1000, $5000 or even $50,000 today you can help ensure that more movies have a fair chance to be enjoyed by fans for years to come.  What cause could be more worthy?
Movie Previews

Good Previews may show up at any theater, studio, marketing directors home or entertainment conglomerate CEOs barbeque at any time with thousands of picketers demanding better previews now.

Good Previews may raise up to $75 million dollars in lobbying money to pressure Congress to enact legislation to restrict bad previews.  We value free speech most highly but times have changed and the threat we face is real, sacrificing liberties for freedom may be called for.

Previews with spoilers ruin movies!

When movies are ruined they do not get good word of mouth!  This costs studios money!

Good Previews can help movie studios make more money on their films with better trailers!  Studios wishing to draw from our network of members can hire us at our daily consulting rate of $6322.00 plus expenses.  Our schedule is busy, we will deal only with studio heads directly and you must listen to every word we have to say.

The Ten Commandments of Good Previews for film marketers :

10.  Thou shall never substitute dazzle for substance - if the film doesn't actually have substance, at least bluff us - even this is better than ruining films with bad previews

9.  Thou shall never give away comedic situations that would be funnier within the context of the movie (see 20 minute rule)

8.  Thou shall always focus on the overall genre, actors and other basics rather than details about plot points, particularly those later in the film : focus on the situation not what happens in the situation

7.  Thou shall remember that bad previews ruin movie going experiences and therefore harm word of mouth and ultimate box office success of a film - this is not cool for the people who worked hard on the film

6.  Thou shall never allude to turning points from the final third of the movie in a preview

5.  Thou shall never have a trailer reveal who a villain will be unless the villain is revealed during the first quarter of a film

4.  Thou shall remember that films are about telling stories and trailers are for getting people into theaters, never to interfere with story telling

3.  Thou shall follow the 20 minute rule:  if you marketers feel you must show clips from beyond the 20th minute, it should be a brief montage of scenery, action, effects or characters, it should not include dialogue or plot and under no circumstances shall it show anything from the final third of a film

2.  Thou shall never show a preview with a scene that has an action hero or other character alive when his life is threatened earlier in the film - this way people who have seen the previews know that he lives

1.  Thou shall never, ever, ever give away a major plot twist or surprise ending in a preview

Join us now!

Always remember: If its not advertised with a Good Preview, wait 'till the rental!
Bad previews are the enemy of movie fans everywhere!




Movie Previews  

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2006